Mykal Wassifa Brown Heritage Foundation

This project is run in conjunction with the National Lottery Funding Agency. Which hosts a touring exhibition, an online site consisting of oral histories, music, film, publications and photography, celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Wassifa sound system. The importance of this heritage project is aligned with Wassifa's 40 year history; during which time Wassifa has been instrumental in the development and rise of reggae music in the city of Birmingham, regionally, nationally and internationally.

This project illustrates the impact of reggae music and the emergence of an aspect of African Caribbean youth culture in the UK and its influence on wider British social and cultural heritage. It portrays how reggae music and the sound system transcended racial and cultural barriers, in turn contributing to British culture through music and fashion, leaving a lasting legacy, which is still present today.

The project is working with young volunteers to research and develop a touring exhibition and digital site, Wassifa aims to share the story of how and why reggae music and sound systems, essentially a Jamaican phenomenon, was transported to and developed in the inner cities in places such as Handsworth, Birmingham in early 1970s.


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